Torque Converter
Convert Torque Values
Convert Torque Values
Convert Force Values
Quickly calculate power (Watts), torque (Nm), or speed (RPM).
Quickly calculate power (Horespower), torque (lb-ft), or speed (RPM).
Quickly calculate the torque required to lift a load with a ballscrew or leadscrew. Please contact us to discuss your screw application! Input the desired […]
Every screw shaft has a rotational speed limit. That is the point at which the rotational speed sets up excessive vibration. This critical point is […]
Enter the specifications of your screw to determine the required torque to prevent load back-driving.
Mach Motion Products, Inc., 7509 South 5th Street, Suite 110, Ridgefield, WA 98642 | Email: | Phone: 360.601.0666